3.12.23 Sunday Celebration

Mar 12, 2023    Dr. Mark Lantz

Join us every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. for energetic worship and an inspiring message! Christian Center's mission statement is "empowering people to reach their God-given potential," and we hope that our services help you on your journey to achieve just that!

We are officially in the Easter season! Join us as we begin our celebration of our Lord’s resurrection by taking a look at the people closest to Him in His life and death. This week, we examine the lives of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, three people who were intimately connected with Jesus. When tragedy struck, they called out to Jesus, only for Him to seemingly fail to come through. What can their experience tell us about tragedy in our own lives? Join us for the first message in our Easter series, and the reveal of our Easter theme!

Christian Center is located at 530 E. Ireland Road in South Bend, Indiana, and welcomes any who wish to visit!