3.26.23 Sunday Celebration

Mar 26, 2023    Dr. Mark Lantz

Join us every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. for energetic worship and an inspiring message! Christian Center's mission statement is "empowering people to reach their God-given potential," and we hope that our services help you on your journey to achieve just that!

Near the end of His earthly life, Jesus came face to face with Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea. Pilate represented a political system diametrically opposed to the Kingdom of God, and here he was, face to face with the King of that Kingdom Himself. What can we learn from Jesus’ interaction with Pilate, and how does it translate to our reality here and now? Join Dr. Mark Lantz for part 3 of our Easter series: You’re Never Going to Believe This.

Christian Center is located at 530 E. Ireland Road in South Bend, Indiana, and welcomes any who wish to visit!