Mother's Day 5.8.22
Note: There was an issue with Pastor’s microphone about halfway through the sermon. We apologize for the drop in sound quality.
Join us every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. for energetic worship and an inspiring message! Christian Center's mission statement is "empowering people to reach their God-given potential," and we hope that our services help you on your journey to achieve just that!
Happy Mother’s Day! We’re honored you’ve chosen to celebrate this special day with us! Scripture gives us many accounts of honorable and powerful women to look to, but few stories can match the story of Ruth. Ruth left everything she had to follow her family, and through her faith, ended up in the lineage of Christ. So as we gather today to celebrate the women who played such central roles in our lives, join Dr. Mark Lantz as he looks to the story of Ruth in this sermon entitled Chapters.
Christian Center is located at 530 E. Ireland Road in South Bend, Indiana, and welcomes any who wish to visit!