Sunday Celebration 5.22.22

May 22, 2022    Dr. Mark Lantz

Join us every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. for energetic worship and an inspiring message! Christian Center's mission statement is "empowering people to reach their God-given potential," and we hope that our services help you on your journey to achieve just that!

The book of James is a tough one. James doesn’t mince words as he lays out the realities of life and the proper way to navigate it as a follower of Christ. At the same time, James is a refreshing outline of the basics of the Christian life, even as it can be difficult to put into practice. James opens his epistle by discussing the reality of trials in life. Join Dr. Mark Lantz as he begins an in-depth study on this little book in Part 1 of Real Talk.

Christian Center is located at 530 E. Ireland Road in South Bend, Indiana, and welcomes any who wish to visit!